
Get on Amazon A World of Cheesecakes: Over 50 Sweet and Savory Recipes from Around the World

Decadent and delicious! Luscious and creamy! What would you do for a well-crafted dessert that you thought you’d have to travel thousands of miles just to eat one.

A World of Cheesecakes does one better. This book proves that homemade cheesecakes are just as good as bakery or restaurant quality cheesecakes. You’ll find a collection of over 50 international and domestic cheesecakes that are easy to make in your home kitchen.

You will find cheesecake recipes from the US, German, France, Sweden, and even Japan and Korea. Discover bake and no bake methods as well as pressure cooker and microwave options. For a unique twist on cheesecakes, discover a few savory options too.

Cheesecakes are often actually easier to make than other traditional cakes and dessert, and can be just as impressive for the perfect party. And the wonderful array of flavors from classic vanilla to chocolate, citrus and nutty will delight all.

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