
Dolci Italiani: Exquisite Homemade Italian Desserts

Dolci Italiani: Exquisite Homemade Italian DessertsGet on Amazon

Italian desserts are just as indulgent and delicious as the rest of the cuisine. Nonetheless, they’re also so much more than tiramisu and gelato. We know you already love Italian food so we wanted to expand your horizons with lesser-known traditional desserts that’ll drive you nuts! These recipes will put any restaurant desserts to shame, so get ready to turn your kitchen into a delicious Italian cafe.

Dolci Italiani is packed with our favorite collection of sweet Italian desserts. We’re making bomboloni, torcetti, cannolis, and so much more! Yes, we’ll also make some gelato and tiramisu but OUR versions of those iconic desserts. Are you ready to get started? You won’t need to travel to Rome to get a spoonful of these treats!

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