
Get Book on Amazon The Ultimate Breakfast Sandwich: 35 Breakfast Sandwiches You Can Make At Home With A Breakfast Sandwich Maker

Looking for a Great Breakfast You Can Make in 5 Minutes?

With a breakfast sandwich maker and these fun and delicious recipes, you can have a quick and easy breakfast sandwich at home to start your day. If you thinking about buying a breakfast sandwich maker or already have a sandwich maker but are looking for some new and fun breakfast ideas, this is the recipe book for you.

If you are one of those people who know that a good healthy breakfast is the way to start your day but struggle for time and ideas on what to make, then we know you will enjoy this fun and fast way to make delicious breakfast sandwiches.

Perfect for College Students, Dorms, Busy Moms, Teens and People on the Go.

Here is just a sampling of the recipes in this book:

•Fat Burning Breakfast Sandwich
•Waffles and Sausage Sandwich
•Bacon, Avocado and Cheddar
•Meatless Egg and Cheese on Golden Biscuits
•Portabella Mushroom Sandwich
•Chocolate Chip Blueberry Pancakes
•Prosciutto Asparagus Eggs Benedict

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Categories:   Cookbooks


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